Sauna Whisk | Eucalyptus Premium

£9.12 inc VAT

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The healing properties of eucalyptus have been widely known for a very long time already. The leaves of eucalyptus are a valuable source of precious essential oil, which has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as phytoncides, which cleanse and revitalize the air. Eucalyptus is an excellent natural inhaler. Inhaling a resinous and a bit harsh odour makes a whisk made from eucalyptus aquifolium an invaluable remedy for prevention and treatment of respiratory and cold-related diseases. When visiting a steam room, we advise you to press the whisk against your face and to inhale its odour for 3 to 5 minutes. The combination of eucalyptus aquifolium (acutifoliate) with eucalyptus argentea (silvery) can make the whisk even more durable and flexible in addition to its healing properties. Also, if you wish, you can combine eucalyptus with oak or birch. Such combined whisks can be very useful in presence of rheumatism and pains in joints and muscles. This is why such whisks are recommended to be used when having a massage, which will help to alleviate rheumatism and pains in joints and muscles.
The harsh cooling odour of eucalyptus mobilizes nervous system and helps to recover from stress or disease. It boosts up energy which is responsible for increased life expectancy.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

Rento birch whisk, Oak premium whisk, Birch premium whisk