Alder premium sauna bench slats

£0.50£22.31 inc VAT

SKU: N/A Category:


Alder is the perfect smooth cool timber to feel against bare skin… perfect to construct all the internal fittings, including benches, backrests, guard rails, etc; even the duckboards for the ‘underfoot’ areas are so much better in beautiful Alder…

0.6m – 2.4m lengths

All lengths are fully finished on all four sides and have all four corners ‘pencil-rounded’ to appx 5mm radius.


Profile size  28mm x 90mm

 thick, allow one piece of Alder per 95-100mm of bench-width (90mm + 5-10mm gap)


Profile size  28mm x 120mm

 thick, allow one piece of Alder per 125-130mm of bench-width (120mm + 5-10mm gap)


Price per length



Common Name: European Alder, Black Alder, Common Alder

Average Dried Weight: 31 lbs/ft3 (495 kg/m3)

Janka Hardness: 650 lbf (2,890 N)

Moisture Content: 8-10 %

Additional information

Weight N/A

28×90 sample, 28×42 1600mm, 28×42 2100mm, 28×42 2400mm, 28×70 1800mm, 28×70 2100mm, 28×70 2400mm, 28×90 600mm, 28×90 1500mm, 28×90 1800mm, 28×90 2100mm, 28×90 2400mm, 28×90 3000mm (get in touch re delivery), 28×120 sample, 28×120 600mm, 28×120 1800mm, 28×120 2100mm, 28×120 2400mm